September 19, 2010

whatta day -_-

hari ini hari pertama kuliah, dari jam 7 coba -_- hari ini kuliah cuma 2 mata pelajaran, jam 7 till 8.40, trus jam 9 till 10.50. payahnya, ternyata dosen pas jam pertama gak dateng ngokngok. kita disuruh mbaca buku di perpus math, eh perpus math nya belom buka -3- alhasil pada nunggu perpus buka sambil kenal2an gitu lah hahaha, trus pas udah buka perpusnya, mulai mbaca bukunya uh oh so boring. abis slese langsung pelajaran kedua, komputer dan tekhnik informasi, dosennya juga belom ngasih bahan, baru bikin kontrak ma perkenalan gitu lah. ah hari pertama yg membosankan, tau gitu gak usah dateng aja deh -0-

pulangnya, jam 11an, beberapa anak math kumpul, mau maem oleh2 yg dibawa masing2 anak dari kampung halamannya :D ada yang bawa carica (kata mommy sih itu manisan dari pepaya), emping, jenang kentang (sounds weird uh?), jenang nanas, jenang wajik, bakpia keju, dodol rumput laut, sari apel dari malang, kripik tempe, wajik, melon.. haha pesta besar deh, ampe pada kenyang hahaha, dan makin mengakrabkan anak2 math juga. and we also took some pics, enjoy!

irreplaceable scotch ♥

and suddenly (again) i miss my scotch TT

scotch means 'science of three' haha. my shs classmates and i made that name together. i really love and miss them huhu, we have been together for two years. those are some pictures of us :D

at tangkuban perahu, bandung, 2009

in front of our school

after the sport lesson

jogja's anniversary

graduation! \m/

for yearbook <3

fortunately, most of us are still in yogya, so we can meet each other easily. just 4 of us who life in other town, peyek in itb, norma in itt telkom, danang in enhai *CMIIW*, and jiyud in stan.

i hope our friendship will never end :D

the first.

i dont know why, but suddenly, im thinking of you.

the first man who picked me up.
the first man who drove me home.
the first man who went with me alone.
the first man who went with me till nite.
the first man who commented by my father.
the first man who asked me to be his co-pilot.
the first man who protected me at that moment.

the first man who said, "i dont wanna lose you."

only a day. well, maybe two days. but i really love that moments. that were special, you know?

aaaah. for me that were special. but for you? maybe for you, that just some ordinary days, and ordinary moments. maybe you forget it already. thats not your fault, actually, because i know you have experienced so many moments, and those moments must be more special for you than this.

and i knew that your special moments are when you spent your days with her, the girl that you really love.

im not your girl, im not your besties, im just your ordinary friend.


September 18, 2010


a half and a year. yea, congrats for you, you already with her for a half and a year, rite?

but maybe you dont know, that i love you for four years

haha sounds pathetic rite? i mean, 4 years? and you never know bout my feelings? in fact, i also dont know why im crazy in love with you. we never met before, we never have a long chit-chat, we never go to cinema together, blablabla. haha maybe if i didnt add you, you dont even remember me

and you already have a girl since a half and a year ago. i knew it, i cried because of it, and tried to move on. i said to my bestfriends that, finally, i can forget you. but the truth is, i cant. till now. i dont know why. i always open your fb, twitter, blog, and i cant stop this bad habit, gosh

i always open your gf's sites too, you know?

and everytime i open you gf's blog, i wanna cry. everytime. because you have great lovestories. but with somebody else, not with me. haha how pathetic you are, ama

but why the hell i cant stop search any information bout your lovelife? why i cant stop open your gf's blog?


hello, this is my old blog, i already make it since may, but not posted anything yet :p
my friend, lia, ask me to make blog, but she didnt know that i already make it ahah

well, i hope i can make some interesting posts, so, enjoy :D