October 05, 2012

August 01, 2012

19 on 19 ♥

june, 19th 2012. habby pirthday, kinanthi nisa amani.

new look!

*nyapuin debu di blog*
finally, an update! i'm still alive, guys, dont you worry :p setelah hiatus selama beberapa bulan, 5 bulan lebih tepatnya, akhirnya kita bersua lagi. lama gak nge-blog ternyata kangen juga yak hehehe. jadiiii untuk 'membayar' ketidakproduktifan saya selama beberapa bulan ini dalam dunia per-blog-an, maka saya akan memposting beberapa post sekaligus. mungkin. err. kl niat :p *digebuk*
hahaha anw, akhirnya bentuk blog ini ada perubahan! i made it 'simpler' than before, well, at least i guess i made it simpler, don't you think so? dan namanya juga berubah, dari 'amaa-is-me' yang aduh-apa-banget-deh-tu-nama-gak-menjual-dan-unik-blas jadi 'a gem in a plethora of junk' yang artinya................ lahaciyaa (ʃ⌣ƪ) actually bentuknya masih belum tepat kayak yang aku pengen, tapi sementara gini dulu aja deh udah lumayan :p
semoga bentuk baru blog ini bikin sang empunya jadi rajin ngepost ya :B

February 27, 2012


greetings, fellas! long time no see :p well today i dont feel like posting anything, actually, i'm too sleepy to write D: *alibi* yea at this post i just wanna say hello to you all, people, and ask your kindness to forgive me cause i never update this blog for almost 2 months D: *sok shock berlebihan* this college life thingy is more exhausting than before, the lessons are getting harder, must arrive at campus by 7 AM and back to home at 5 PM, those killer lecturers, etc etc etc. but i'll try to enjoy those moment and do the best! *this previous statement was a lie, absolutely* actually i really want to change the blog's layout, but i'm too tired, busy, and lazy to do it -__- hahaha but i'll do it soon, i promise :p
well, i think thats enough for now, heheh. see you soon, i mean, really-really soon mwahahaha *halah* goodbye goodbye!

February 06, 2012

another remarkable quotes

God: Grace. You want her back?
Bruce: No. I want her to be happy, no matter what that means. I want her to find someone who will treat her with all the love she deserved from me. I want her to meet someone who will see her always as I do now, through Your eyes.
God: Now THAT'S a prayer.
- bruce almighty (2003) -

January 21, 2012

quick-random-post: some great film score composers!

alohaaa ~ long time no post. kl pun nge post pasti post tugas buahahaha. well i've been very busy lately *halah* *alesan basi :p* dan males buat ngetik-ngetik di blog, so please forgive my laziness *sungkem*
owkaaay, sebelum aku kasitau apa tema yg bakal aku bahas di post ini *halah*, lemme ask a question, "pas kamu nonton suatu film, hal-hal apa aja sih yang biasanya kamu perhatiin?" umumnya, orang-orang bakal jawab: jalan ceritanya -absolutely- then aktor/aktrisnya, efek visual, kostum, setting tempat, dan yak, backsound a.k.a film score nya! so in this post i'll tell bout some famous film score composers yang (mungkin) gak semua orang sering perhatiin *so sotoy, me knows :p*